Red Power Ranger Accused of Murdering Roommate
Zordon would not approve.
According to KTLA in Los Angeles,
The incident began when Ricardo Medina and his roommate Joshua Sutter, both 36 years old, got into a physical altercation for unknown reasons.
LASD Deputy Mike Barraza confirmed Medina was a former red Power Ranger. He has credits for multiple projects related to the franchise on his Internet Movie Database page including the 2002-2003 TV show “Power Rangers Wild Force” and 2011’s “Power Rangers Samurai.”
During the physical confrontation, the actor”retreated” to his bedroom with his girlfriend when Sutter forced the door open.
Medina allegedly then grabbed a sword he kept next to his bed and stabbed Sutter once in the abdomen.
Sure. Because why wouldn't a Power Ranger have a sword just lying around at his crib?
That being said, if I was an action hero of any kind, I'd keep literally every prop from the show. Christian Bale and Michael Keaton are wasting a really huge opportunity not driving the Batmobile to a different fast food drive-thru window every day.