Police Launch STOP-DWI St. Patrick’s Day Weekend Crackdown in Hudson Valley
With another highly celebrated holiday approaching, the Hudson Valley should be prepared to see increased law enforcement on roads in the coming days in anticipation of St. Patrick's Day 2023.

Local Counties To Participate in NY STOP-DWI St. Patrick's Day Weekend Crackdown
The STOP-DWI initiative is put into effect several times throughout the year, big holiday weekends like Memorial Day, 4th of July, holidays like Halloween and New Years Eve, and most recently, for the Super Bowl.
Another holiday celebration season is upon us, which means another high-visibility impaired driving campaign will soon go into effect.
The St. Patrick's Day STOP-DWI Crackdown will run this year from Thursday March 16th through Sunday March 19th, and the Hudson Valley will see an increase in law enforcement in the area. It was announced that a number of municipal law enforcement agencies will team up with state law enforcement in a 'coordinated effort to target those who put lives in danger.'
The efforts, run by the New York State STOP-DWI Association have proven to be effective, but there are still too many incidents of impaired driving. In fact, last year (2022), it was reported that the Hudson Valley topped the Super Bowl DWI list across New York State.
READ MORE: 12,000 Tickets Across NYS During Super Bowl Weekend Crackdown
Community Engagement Campaigns Prove Reduction in Impaired Driving Fatalities
High-visibility campaigns are proving to be successful, but that doesn't eliminate impaired driving all together.
Though research does indicate that these community engagement campaigns do reduce impaired driving fatalities by as much as 20 percent, and highlighted that sobriety checkpoints do play a key part in raising awareness about the problem, having a plan in place is also extremely important.
More information about finding a safe ride home from St. Patrick's Day celebrations can be accessed here.