
Why Millennials of New York Actually Love Doing Their Taxes
Why Millennials of New York Actually Love Doing Their Taxes
Why Millennials of New York Actually Love Doing Their Taxes
Thankfully, millennials aren't taking a page out of Wesley Snipes' playbook. Not only is the younger generation getting their taxes done early but they may actually be enjoying it. How terrifying is that? April is a month that most people dread. Getting your taxes done is the most extreme form of adulting. Ben Franklin warned us that the only things that are certain are death and taxes. April is a month that most people dread. Getting your taxes done is the most extreme form of adulting. Ben Franklin warned us that the only things that are certain are death and taxes.
Are Adults Living at Home Ruining Their Parents Lives?
Are Adults Living at Home Ruining Their Parents Lives?
Are Adults Living at Home Ruining Their Parents Lives?
Parents are always sad to see their kids leave the nest. However, that doesn't mean that they want you to stay there forever. Some time the birdies have to fly. You've got to admit that there's a certain negative stigma about men and woman over a certain age that still live with their parents. If a grown adult can get past having to sneak a significant other past mom and dad there are some serious perks.
Literally Just Four Clicks Could Get a Hudson Valley School $25K!
Literally Just Four Clicks Could Get a Hudson Valley School $25K!
Literally Just Four Clicks Could Get a Hudson Valley School $25K!
We need your help! Vote here and help try to get a school right here in the Hudson Valley new play ground and gym equipment. Teachers are true heroes but some make an effort to go above the call of duty. Chris Keenan, a gym teacher from Arthur S. May school in Poughkeepsie is trying to rally the community to help get grant funding for new school gym and play ground equipment.

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