Tappen Zee Bridge Demolished With Explosives
Remnants of the Tappan Zee Bridge were demolished Tuesday morning after explosives dropped the more than 65-year-old bridge into the Hudson River. Originally planned for Saturday, the demolition was over in seconds and has forever changed the scenery in the area.
According to CBS News, the new span of the Mario Cuomo Bridge along with the New York State Thruway was closed for approximately an hour as workers prepped then brought down the bridge.
Crowds gathered at spots along the river to watch the once in a lifetime viewing experience. Then, a few minutes before 11 AM, the charges went off. A special net was laid beneath the bridge to aid with clean up. The remaining western span of the bridge will have a far less high-profile farewell when it is dismantled (explosive-free) by the end of the year.
Built from 1952 to 1955, the bridge was named for Governor Malcolm Wilson Tappen Zee.
Watch the footage of the detonation at the 6:15 mark.