You Can be Better in 2020, We All Can
Just so we're clear. I'm not rolling my eyes at your New Years Resolution post on Facebook. I'm cheering you on. I'm in your corner.
It's the first week of a not just a new year but a new decade. Some people still make a resolution for the New Year. A large amount of people have lost the art of making annual goals for themselves. Does it really help to set goals for yourself or by doing so are you just setting yourself up for failure?
According to, only about 6% of people actually follow through with their resolution.
Personally, I do believe you can set yourself up for failure in the by setting one difficult goal. Instead of saying you want to lose 100 lbs maybe just set a goal to eat better and be more active. Work on changing your lifestyle rather than just shedding pounds.
We all have lifestyle changes we can make to better ourselves. Maybe you want to quit smoking. It's been done before. Many times in fact so who says you can't? Do you need to save more money? You're not alone. There's probably an app that can help you too.
One resolution we can all make this year is to be a little kinder to each other. We can all have a little more understanding and a little more sympathy. We can work on it every day. It doesn't need to be an overnight thing.
2020 is going to be our year.