Man, sloths are really getting their time in the spotlight, aren't they? For the longest time, they seemed to just be the forgotten members of the animal kingdom, trotted out as a reference point every once in a while when people needed to emphasize how slow something was.

But for the past couple of years, sloths have become the go-to cute animal all over the interwebs, and it's fascinating. Maybe it's because people find them irresistibly adorable, or because they're so unique-looking, and have such specific and deliberate movement that appears to be happening in slow motion and can blow your mind.

That last trait is definitely the reason that BuzzFeed decided to put this video together with people who were admittedly super high hanging out and being surprised by the creatures.

Check the video below. I'm sure it's even funnier if you're high but I cannot confirm this, nor am I allowed to recommend this.

Stoned People Get Surprised With A Sloth

Posted by BuzzFeed Video on Saturday, April 2, 2016