It isn't a secret at this point that i'm a total '90's boyband lover, right?  Back in July I went to the Mixtape Tour in NJ with New Kids on the Block, Salt-N-Peppa, etc. and in March I almost had to be scraped up off a NYC sidewalk after meeting Joey McIntyre from NKOTB after his performance in the Broadway play Waitress.  Anyway...

Life has been a little crazy lately and I totally missed out on buying tickets for the Backstreet Boys at the Barclays Center - the show was last night and i'm having total regret and feeling all sorts FOMO/jealousy that I missed out on such an incredible show based on everyone's instagram stories and facebook live videos.  It brought me right back to the late '90's and traveling around the tri-state area for their shows, ah memories.

I have had the chance to see some pretty awesome shows this summer though, so I can't complain too much about missing BSB.  In addition to the Mixtape Tour I also went to Dave Matthews and Shinedown, hitting Bethel for Ringo Starr tonight, and obviously our big summer concert with Bush, Live and Our Lady Peace in 2 weeks.

In honor of an awesome summer of concerts, next week during '90's at Noon trivia we are going to be talking about concerts/tours from the '90's.  Join me Monday - Friday at 12:30pm to play along :)