Condemned Town Hours From The Hudson Valley is Burning Underneath
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
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The state of Pennsylvania is considered 'coal country' because of the rich deposits and its mining industry. Coal may not be the cleanest source of energy but you can't argue that it isn't reliable or efficient.
According to Energy.Gov, coal has a 40% energy output behind hydro, natural gas, geothermal and nuclear power. Nuclear power is extremely efficient and one of the cleanest sources of energy but it comes with risks. There are risks of dangerous leaks or meltdowns.
Coal doesn't come without risks either especially if an entire town is built over a coal mine. This story is sad on so many levels.
A small town in Pennsylvania has been abandoned for decades after an accident that could be one of the most bizarre stories I have ever heard.

According to Wikipedia, Centralia was once a small but thriving coal mining town but it now has a population of 5 and there is a good reason why no one wants to live there. About 60 years ago the town decided to burn the garbage at the town's dump with the help of the local fire department. The coal deposits underneath the ground caught fire somehow and have spread all across town over the years. Some experts disagree about what caused the fire. The ground is said to reach 200 degrees in some spots.
Many residents of the town were relocated as the government claimed eminent domain on the area. In 2000 there were 21 people living in Centralia. Today the census claims there are about 5. Why would someone stay? The mining rights to certain properties could be worth a small fortune. That is one theory.
Check out just how creepy this place appears.
Condemned Town Just Hours From The Hudson Valley is Burning Underneath
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