Local Child’s Freakout to Appear on MTV’s Ridiculousness
I don't think I've ever been this excited about anything. Ever. Tonight, you'll be able to watch a local kid freak out with joy on a Ridiculousness with Rob Dyrdek.
Have you ever wished for something so bad for your birthday or for Christmas and when you finally got it you had absolutely no idea how to react? That's what happened to a 7 year old ffrom Lagrangeville, Amaya last Christmas as she unwrapped her Kane Brown CD. It's pretty cool that kids are still into compact discs these days. It doesn't make me feel so old.
The video went viral after country star, Kane Brown shared it on his personal page.
Her reaction is priceless and is sure to make you smile.
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According to an Instaram post, you'll be able to catch this viral video from right here in the Hudson Valley on tonight's episode of Ridiculousness at 8pm.