New York Snubbed on List For Best Beer Locations in Country
We aren't number one. How did we not even make it in the top 10?
If there's one thing that I've learned in my four years of living in the Empire State it's that New York loves its beer. According to a recent ranking online, it turns out we might not like beer as much as we think we do. I beg to differ. I was pretty shocked to see where we landed. There's a different brewery around every corner. They're almost all amazing.
Ranker made a list of the top places in the country for beer drinkers. The list was voted on by the public. New York made 31 on the list.
How did we let this happen? I'm embarrassed to say we were beaten by Cleveland. I'm disgusted.
We're better than that. We know we have amazing booze. I think the problem is that we hoard our beer. Us New Yorker's need to share our beers with the rest of the country and get back on the map.
Maybe we need beer ambassadors.