The Viral ‘Car Alarm Challenge’ Hits Social Media
The internet is full of irresponsible and dangerous challenges. This one doesn't exactly put anyone in danger but it sure is dumb.
The latest challenge to hit social media is called the "car alarm" challenge and it's extremely irritating. When I first heard about this viral challenge I thought it would be a bunch of kids trying to break into cars or just set off the alarm in general. Given the stupidity of most of these viral videos nothing would shock me.
I was shocked to find out what the "car alarm challenge" really was. People are posting videos on Twitter and Instagram making noises trying to replicate the sound that their car alarm makes. There's a hysterical compilation at Mashable.
If you're bored and you have literally nothing to do you should give it a try. Record it and post it to Instagram or Twitter and use #CarAlarmChallenge.