Are you looking to continue your education on the college level and looking for a scholarship to apply for? There are four scholarships that are available from the United Federation of Doll Clubs (UFDC). There is an application deadline of April 1 and the scholarship amount is $1,000. Recipients can also re-apply in subsequent years to re-earn additional awards.

The UFDC says that the scholarship grants are given to students that will "promote original research leading to better knowledge, understanding and appreciation of dolls." The four scholarships each focuses on a very specific area of study,

  • Research of Antique Dolls,
  • Research of Composition Dolls
  • Research of Modern and Collectible Dolls
  • Scholarship Fund for Costuming Dolls

If you think that this is a good academic fit for you, you can find more information, along with the scholarship application at the UDFC website.

Will you be attending college in the fall of 2019? Are you looking for scholarships to finance your way through school? Do you have insight into the best way to fill out a scholarship application? If you do, share with us in the comment section below.

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