CIA Honors Anthony Bourdain With Scholarship in His Name
The School offered discounted prices in there restaurants and has even set up a scholarship.
It's hard to believe that it has been one whole year since the tragic death of celebrity chef and Culinary Institute of America graduate, Anthony Boudain. The Hudson Valley school now offers a special scholarship in his name. The scholarship will help students learn to cook and study abroad much like the focus of Bourdain's show.
Bordain never forgot is Hudson Valley roots as he even delivered the commencement speech in 2017.
According to CNBC, Bourdain graduated from the Culinary Institute in 1978. To celebrate the life of one of their most famous alumni they have set up the Anthony Bourdain Legacy Scholarship. You can help fund the scholarship by donating monetarily.
The Culinary Institute of America Alumni Network paid a nice tribute to him on Facebook.
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