President Will Text You Today, Why You Can’t Opt Out
You already know about those tests of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) that you hear about on the radio. You will hear them and they say they are a test, only a test, if this were an actual emergency you would hear information about what was going on and what you are to do to respond or react to said emergency.
Today, October 3, 2018 about 2:18pm eastern time, you are going to get an alert on your cellphone. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is testing the Wireless Emergency Alerts. This test was supposed to have taken place on September 20, 2018, however it was rescheduled because they didn't want to confuse people with the alerts that were already taking place with Hurricane Florence.
Now where you are able to opt out of all alerts (including Amber alerts) on iphone, go to settings, notifications, then government alerts, this one you will not be able to opt out of.
Do you think that sending an alert like this to your cellphone is good? Is it an interference? Do you think that you should be able to opt out of them or that these alerts are a good thing and a great way to notify a lot of people at the same time? Comment below.