Brandi Found What in Her Potential Future Husbands Pants?
Our very own Brandi from The WRRV Morning Grind is always on the look out for a potential future husband. Here is a look at the man who got Brandi's attention this week.
This week the man in question, or her sites, is from Germany. He is a guy that likes to go out in the evening and have a few pints of beer (who can blame him? It's Germany, the beer capital of the world!) with his buddies. Of course, after a long night of drinking, this special guy got into a bit of an argument with another random 'gentleman' on the street. The altercation got loud, there might have been a punch or two thrown. The police were called and came to the scene.
According to news reports, the police found what they describe to be 'a significant bulge' in his pants. Ok, keep it clean. What do you think the cops found when they hauled this guy back to the station?
Let's just say, you probably were not thinking that it could have been a 2 foot long baby python. Yes, a real python. Where did said python come from and how did it end up in this guys pants? The snake belonged to one of his relatives. How exaclty it got into this dudes pants? Will we ever know?
Is this the guy for Brandi or should she keep searching? If you know of a guy who you think might get Brandi's attention, email her the story link to