New York Is 8th Most Risky State for Online Dating
Odds are you have tried online dating. If you haven't consider yourself lucky (and either in a long term relationship or single). There is a study, released by that has evidence that New York is the 8th riskiest state for online/app dating.
The good news (if you can look at it that way) is there are 7 states that are worse than NY. Here they are:
- Alaska
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Georgia
- Nevada
- Arizona
- New Mexico
- New York
How did come up with this info? What was this conclusion based on? (No, it was not on my personal online dating horrors) It was based on issues of cybercrime, violent crime and STD rates. Cat-fishing and those cat-fishers asking their "sweeties" aka victims for money was also more prevalent in those 8 states listed above.
Have you had a great experience with online or app dating? Is there one app or website that you have had more success with than others? Let us know what has worked for you. Do you agree that online dating is risky? Is it more risky in New York State than any other state?