Could Tinder App for Cows Moo-ve into the Hudson Valley?
Yes, you did read the headline correctly. There will be at least a small attempt to keep the cow puns to a minimum, but not promising there won't be one or two more before the end of this article.There is a new app, called Tudder, that is for cows. Farmers can swipe left or right on cows that they might be interested in buying. If they really like the looks of the cow, they can click on it to get more information from the SellMyLivestock website.
The information that is available for the farmers, includes more photos, and additional info on things like potential milk yield and protein content, or their calving potential. Farmers who have been using the app report that it is helpful, because it brings more information to their fingertips.
Currently, the cows listed on the app are in England, but do you think farmers in New York or the Hudson Valley need this or is it just another waste of time? Is this udderly a moo-zing? Or do you have a beef with it? Believe it or not the story is veal.
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